Posted by: Rad | January 15, 2010

Purple patch

I decided it was time to concentrate on Eddie Kidd’s photography collections again, and with so many ghosts around the place, I figured the paranormal collection couldn’t be too hard, but we did need a mummy and a death on vacation, so he and Babysitter were promptly dispatched to Egypt to sort these things out.  Weirdly, the ‘hold private wedding’ option that hasn’t been available on the home lot was immediately available, so they remarried and Eddie got a photo of his dead spouse for the collection.

The newlyweds took the whole ‘we two are one’ thing a bit too seriously.

I sent them rummaging around in the tomb where we’d seen the mummy before (and, if you recall, Eddie couldn’t take a photo of the mummy that time), but no dice.

They did, however, get to woohoo in a tomb.  (No more babies, there was an 8-sim household at the time).  We went into as many tombs as we could in our stay and couldn’t find a mummy anywhere.  This is not good for my photography collection!

As well as getting a mummy photographed, I wanted to try and kill Babysitter while we were here.  Not because I don’t like her, but because I no longer needed her and I did need that death on holiday snap.

She went through many fire traps, many times, but the worst that happened was singing and passing out.  However, the menu text warns of passing out, which makes me wonder if living sims will also simply pass out (though if that’s the case, and they also don’t age, how to get death on holiday?  I sense another experimental mission for one of my living sims soonish).

I love how this sim’s all ‘singed ghosts in their pants?  Nothing new to me’.

Eddie and Babysitter (who each have 1-2 skill points in martial arts) both rolled the will to spar, so I let them (Eddie won 2-1) while we were trying to find mummies to no avail.

Babysitter had a nap in a sarcophagus to see if that had any ill effect,  but it didn’t.  When our trip was over, I cheated and dragged her hunger bar down to see what would happen.  She walked around with starving moodlets but didn’t die.  This troubled me, as I’d read about the trouble of trying to kill a ghost in A Legacy of Thieves (very funny).  Can they really not die (again)?  I sent Babysitter back to the Netherworld after this, but her grave vanished with her.  On graves, she and Eddie both had enough LTH for a medium gravestone (Eddie’s on his way to earning a large one) but in their inventories, the graves still show as the small ones, so I wanted to see what happened when she re-died.  Oh well.

We had an ‘Oh My Ghost’ left to use, so I resurrected the maid to see if she had potential for mating, but she showed as an elder (and Eddie just wasn’t in the mood for flirting).  I’m pretty sure my theory is correct and only male white ghosts will be able to make white ghost babies.  I then cheated and triggered her age transition to see what would happen and it sent her back to the netherworld, though we still had her grave, unlike Babysitter’s.

So, there’s a space in the house for a living baby.  Harry and Repairlady were very excited about the prospect of trying for a nooboo.  It took FOUR attempts to get a lullaby.

Obligatory spot the ghost pose for Adrian Mole.  All four members of Gen 4 were due to age up within a day of each other, and I hadn’t seen our spares for a bit, so I stupidly decided to throw a four-way party.

Adrian Mole went first, way before the guests arrived, and he aged up fine.  I gave him the ‘no sense of humour’ trait which I haven’t used before.

Piranha and Evel have both become OLD now.  I forgot just how big the age gap was between them and the twins (who are barely adults)

Baby Polaroid was next to age up.  I tried to get both twin purple babies to age up, but no-one collected Kodak, so I tried again a bit later, and she blew out her candles.

Eddie put her on the floor, and there she stayed, while her twin aged up fine.

The guests stood around staring at the baby who wouldn’t grow.

Meanwhile, Fuji DID manage to blow up candles and age up.

Newly childed-up Adrian Mole celebrated by floating between Thomas’s legs.  Not a good look.

The party went on for hours, and everyone eventually left – except Koi who hung around until 2 in the morning, despite the party beginning at 4 in the afternoon.

Fuji makes a cute teen ghost…

…and also a cute teen in her CAS.  I am torn over whether I’ll ambrosia her or not: she’s cute both ways.  I think she’ll do the LTW that involves maxing out athletic and martial arts, that way she can max out athletic first while still a ghost and then we can work on martial arts when the little ones are teens and can spar with her.

Every time Adrian Mole gets into CAS he’s in his pyjamas, which isn’t what I want, because then he isn’t wearing his glasses, like his namesake.  I’ll try and get him to sort it out by the next update.  He’s blonde, though.  He’s started playing chess, despite only being a few hours into childhood.  Given his geeky namesake, it seems fitting that he becomes our Chess Legend (plus it means he’ll be able to leave around the time we need room for Gen 5).

Polaroid is a cutie (and though this is DB-pleasing picspam, Repairlady, Eddie and Harry all take an equal role in raising our brood).

Here’s her CAS.  She’s going to be getting ambrosia-ed to do martial arts stuff at some point.

Kodak, meanwhile, just slept through it all…though at least she got put back in her crib…

Join us next time for Kodak as a toddler, our first living baby for ages and some explorations into LTRS and the No Sense of Humour trait.


  1. Yay Harry! 🙂

    Oooo, rainbow ghost travel! Fund finds, but weird about the fainting at fire thing. You would think that a fire trap would evaporate a water ghost, wouldn’t you?

    Cuteness is the definition of Polaroid! What a sweetie! They’ll never see the karate chop coming.

    I vote for ambrosiaing Fuji. And I love the glasses ghostie Adrian Mole all serious over the chessboard.

    ~sniff~ @ old Piranha and Evel. Hi Koi!

    • Polaroid is cute. She’ll be a kickass martial artist. I think if Fuji makes heir I’ll let her do what HArry did and procreate before and after ambrosia, but if she’s a spare I’ll pribably just ambrosia her.

  2. You realise for doubly dead you have to kill a mummy therefore need to get a full set canopic jars to offer the mummy.
    Oh and banysitter didn’t die cos she’s a resurected ghost. Resurected ghosts can’t die, because hey cant age, and it would totally confuse everything with ghost colours. unless you send them back to the netherworld. Ghost babies will age die. And thus could be killed I think.
    Only male ghosts can have kids, unless they are playble ghosts, where the women can.
    Cute blonde ghost. It’ll be nice to see normal sims again.

    • Pink – I know you have to kill a mummy for doubly dead – didn’t know about the jars – what do they do? Do you know if ‘death itself’ is Grimmy?

      I know only playabled female ghosts can have kids but my theory is playable white ones can’t. Interesting on the difference between born and resurrected ghosts. Fortunately I have plenty of born ghosts I can try to kill/let die naturally.

      Man, normal sims would be nice 🙂 But I do like my ghosties too. The new baby isn’t a ghost.

  3. I want to wohoo in a tomb aswell… or, maybe not in real life but I plan to make my sims do it. 😀

    I agree that Fuji is very cute as teen. And Polaroid. Where comes her hairstyle from?

    And sweet little Adrian Mole, I would like to see more of him! Love his geekiness.

    • I think Polaroid’s hair might be from Newsea but I’m not 100% on that…

  4. I was just going by what it said on this site.
    “You’ll need to get control of a mummy using a sarcophagus of kings and an offering with the canopic jar collection and wait or inspire the mummy to die.
    The canopic jars are either found whilst exploring or I think you can buy them from one of vendors in town.
    Another suggestion is you get a playable mummy (not sure how you do it) and then kill it however you want. And when it’s ghost appears or you resurect it, it counts.
    White ghosts obviously can’t becuse they are elders and ghosts stay at thelife stage resurected at.

  5. Hey, love your legacy. And as far as I know you need 5 canopic jars, the ones from the collection, no the regular crap you get everywhere, in the sims inventory and a blessed sarcophagus of the kings to summon a mummy. Or you might want to get one of your own sims to be a mummy, you then have to get them to sleep about 12 or 18 hours in a sarcophagus of the kings, not the blessed one, the “evil” or “jinxed” or something like that. Then you can kill it and get the “double dead” shot.

    Oh, and btw, I have a legacy and I hope you could make the time to check it out:

    • Wow, that all sounds very very complicated. I think we might be sacking off the paranormal photography collection this generation. Gen 5 are pegged to do mummies, visas and tombs so they can have a sim do the other photography LTW. Will check out your legacy. I add links over at rather than here as maintaining links at both would be a bit tedious.

  6. Gen 4 is cute cute cute. I’m looking forward to ambrosia and martial arts skilling 🙂

    I haven’t gotten into photography collections at all yet, but that bit with the mummy sounds complicated!

  7. Aw, Polaroid is sooo cute! And wow…so many ghosts! haha.

    I reeeally need to get on to updating my legacy, it’s been so long. Reading yours always inspires me to do it.

  8. Too many cuties in the Dayes! I hate how twins don’t always age up the same.

    Did you ever find a way to take a picture of nectar and food for the photography collections? I tried several ways and it doesn’t seem to work…

    • No, I haven’t yet. Will be getting back on the photography wagon when Gen 4 are no longer infants, but I think that one’s broken like the theatre.

  9. So strange that Kodak would not gro up. I wonder why that is? She won’t stay a baby forever, will she?

    • Has that never happened to you? I’ve had it happen a few times on and off. Only from baby to toddler though, and usually through caking not on their actual birthday.

      • No, it never happened to me. I was glad when I saw she grew up anyway!

  10. No! She doesn’t wanna age up! Lol!

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